Week 1: August 31: Introductions

via Zak Jensen; used with permission

Welcome! I look forward to meeting all of you, and to our work together this semester! Because this an anomalous semester, however, I sense that it’ll take a week or two for us to get settled – and we’ll have a bit more work to do to acclimate to our environment. So, for this first week we’ll establish the terms of our engagement, begin conducting some preliminary “fieldwork” in a few potential learning spaces, and start analyzing how those spaces “design” our interaction and learning. 


  • Land acknowledgment + indigenous geolocation  
  • Overview of the semester 
  • Begin thinking about our Community Agreement
  • Introduce our (optional) ongoing, collaborative design-ethnographic project (wherein we continually reflect on our learning spaces and digital forums as “field sites,” and implement changes whenever necessary). See the #our-learning-environments channel on Slack!

These texts will inform my introductory presentation; you needn’t read them, but you’re welcome to do so if you like!: