GROUP 2: Jason, Bria, Clemente, Akshaya, Jack, Elizabeth, and Cris
I’ll work with you, in small groups, to devise a lesson plan that allows you to share your interests and expertise with the class, while also connecting your individual projects to the overarching themes of the course.
To Prepare for This Week:
- Elizabeth
- Wilson Kwamogi Okello and Antonio Duran, “‘Here and There, Then and Now’: Envisioning a Palimpsest Methodology,” International Journal of Qualitative Methods (January 2021).
- Paola Viagno, “Palimpsest Metaphor: Figures and Spaces of the Contemporary Project,” Urban Planning 5:2 (2020): 167-171.
- Akshaya
- Kim Elizabeth, “How Bryant Park’s Iconic Chairs Revolutionized Public Spaces,” Gothamist (Nov 21, 2019).
- Kurt Kohlstedt, “Guerilla Public Seating : SF Bench Project Makes Free Seats for Citizens,”
- Bria
- Mark A. Thomas, “Smart City Fail. The LinkNYC ‘Payphone of the Future’ Just Doesn’t Work,”The Payphone Project (September 7, 2021) [The videos that are included are a bit long – focus primarily on the article]
- Mark A. Thomas, “Where Can I Find a Working Payphone in New York City?,” The Payphone Project (July 21, 2021) [Feel free to skim!]
- Clemente
- Lawrence Hirschfeld, “Naive Sociology,” in Wilson and Keil, eds., The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (MIT Press 1996): 579–581.
- Cris
- Anya Kamenetz, “Why Education Was a Top Voter Priority This Election,” NPR (November 4, 2021)
- Jack
- Pieter Thomas, Timothy Van Renterghem, Ellen De Boeck, Laurent Dragonetti, and Dick Botteldooren, “Reverberation-Based Urban Street Sound Level Prediction,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133:6 (2013): 3929–39 [Read abstract and Introduction, skim the rest].
- Barry Truax, ed. “Keywords.” Handbook for Acoustic Ecology (1999) [Click around].
- Pauline Oliveros, Stuart Dempster, and Panaiotis, Deep Listening (New Albion Records, 1989) [Listen for 5 continuous minutes].
- Jason
- Lisa Servon, “What Is Driving the ‘Unbanking of America’?” NPR (January 10, 2017).